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School Logo

Pen Y Fro

Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page. Here you will find useful information and reminders related to our general routines and activities, aswell as links to helpful websites and online resources. 


This is also a space where we will share and celebrate some of the interesting and exciting activities we will be carrying out in school. 

Summer Term Class Information


Welcome back to a new term at Pen y fro Primary School!


The Summer Term is always a busy and exciting phase of the school year. Our central topic for the first half term is ‘Cymru Creadigol’ (‘Creative Wales’). For the second half term we will focus on the Olympics with a topic entitled ‘Going for Gold’. We will align our studies with the six areas of learning in the Welsh curriculum (Literacy, Languages and Communication, Mathematics and Numeracy, Science and Technology, Humanities, Expressive Arts and Health and Well-Being). As part of our Cymru Creadigol project we hope to involve the children in an enterprise project, where they will create and design their own products to sell by the end of term.

PE will take place on a Wednesday and a Friday. May I take this opportunity to remind you that appropriate PE kit needs to be worn for these activities.

Homework will continue to be issued on a Friday, via Teams, to be handed in the following Wednesday. As part of their homework children will be expected to write spelling sentences or a spelling story each week. The children will all be given a paper copy of their spelling words; the words can also be located in the files section of Teams. Spelling tests will continue to take place on Friday. Each week for homework there will be an additional task alternating between a maths task and a topic related task. We will also continue to use MyMaths for some of the maths homework activities. Each week a reminder of the homework activities will be posted on the chat function of Teams. 


This is an extremely busy term for the Year 6 class, with lots of exciting events, activities and trips to look forward to. We have our Year 6 residential from the 1st to 3rd May. We will be going on a visit to the Waterfront Museum on 7th June for a ‘Crucial Crew’ event, which involves PSE linked workshop sessions delivered by a range of professionals from many different partner organisations, agencies and charities. We have a number of transition events to look forward to, our school beach trip and leavers’ assembly too! Information regarding these will be issued later in the term. There are also a number of sporting events which will take place during this term, consent forms will be e-mailed for these when relevant.


Thank you for your continued support.





Year 6 Homework Activities

Homework tasks will be set on Teams. Information will be posted onto the files section of Teams.


Our school trip to the theatre and museum to find our about Alfred Russel Wallace.

Crucial Crew

Useful Website Links
