Year 6
Welcome to the Year 6 class page. Here you will find useful information and reminders related to our general routines and activities, aswell as links to helpful websites and online resources.
This is also a space where we will share and celebrate some of the interesting and exciting activities we will be carrying out in school.
Spring Term Class Information
Dear Parents / Carers,
Welcome back to the Spring Term. Our main topic for this term will be ‘One World, One Chance’, an environmental theme about sustainability and pollution. The children will be involved in the planning of our topic work and we will use their ideas to form the basis of our studies. The work will link to the six areas of learning: literacy and communication, mathematics and numeracy, science and technology, humanities, expressive arts and health and well-being. We will also be learning in maths about multiplication and division, fractions, decimals, percentages and measures. In science our topics are light and sound.
For your information, PE lessons will take place on a Wednesday and Friday. After half term, the year 6 class will have swimming lessons on a Wednesday morning. We have organised cycling proficiency training for the week of 24th to 28th March.
Homework will continue to be issued on a Friday, via Teams, to be handed in the following Wednesday. As part of their homework children will be expected to write spelling sentences or a spelling story each week. The children will all be given a paper copy of their spelling words; the words can also be located in the files section of Teams. Spelling tests will continue to take place on a Friday. Each week for homework there will be an additional task alternating between a maths task and a topic related task from the homework grid. The new topic related homework grid will also be available on the files section of Teams. We will also continue to use MyMaths for some of the maths homework activities. Each week a reminder of the homework activities will be posted on the chat function of Teams.
Our class residential to Llanmadoc will take place the week after the Easter holidays, 30th April to 2nd May. More information about this will be forwarded soon.
More information with regards to Spring events and forthcoming clubs will be added on to the school website when dates and arrangements have been confirmed.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued help and support.
Year 6 Homework Activities
Homework tasks will be set on Teams. Information will be posted onto the files section of Teams.
Our school trip to the theatre and museum to find our about Alfred Russel Wallace.
Crucial Crew
Useful Website Links