Croeso i Meithrin!
Welcome to Nursery!
Meithrin: Autumn Welcome Letter 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
Croeso! A warm welcome to Meithrin Pen y fro Nursery from Mrs VerBruggen, Mrs Davies and Miss Dunne.
Welcome back to a new school year and a warm welcome to all the children joining us in Nursery for the first time. Children have settled happily into new routines and their classroom environment. We would like to take the opportunity to thank you and your families for your wonderful support to ensure this new transition is as smooth and happy as possible!
Our main focus for this term will be establishing our new daily routines such as finding our peg to hang up our coats, finding our name for the register, washing our hands before snack and other self-help skills such as putting on shoes, putting our coats on and so on. We will also be considering friendship and will be talking about sharing and caring and being kind to one another.
Our topic this term is ‘My Wonderful World’. We will be exploring ‘Cynefin’ and belonging through a range of learning activities all about ourselves, our families and our bodies. As well as exploring special celebrations too, including Birthdays, Harvest and Christmas. The children will be helping to plan and choose topic enhanced activities, which will be complimented by focused tasks that will develop Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Competence and Welsh through play, songs and creative activities.
We will begin the ‘Ben and Betty’ phonic immersion scheme after half term. This follows alphabetical order, beginning with ‘a’ the week after half term. I will let you know more information closer to the time.
Book Bags
Nursery children will be able to choose a story book from school to take home and share with you. Story books will then be changed each Friday. This will start from Friday 20th September. Children will also be given a reading record, these are for staff to record the story book chosen by your child and for you to comment on your child’s enjoyment of the book and their understanding of the story/text when you share it with them. If you wish to purchase a school book bag, please order from Bergoni:
Hall Time
We have hall time on a Monday morning and Friday Morning. This will be used for a range of physical activities including gym, dance, yoga, parachute games, Busy Feet and Sticky Kids. Please ensure children come to school in suitable clothing for our PE sessions; including t-shirts, leggings and trainers; please can we ask for no laces if possible! Diolch!
Forest School
At Pen-y-Fro we are very lucky to have such extensive outdoor areas, which give our children the space and freedom to play and explore. There will be a choice of outdoor activities so please ensure that your child brings a named coat to school each day.
Forest school will be held on a Thursday morning. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed appropriately for this as it means we can get outside straight after registration and it allows the children to have more time outdoors. As our weather can be extremely changeable please assume that we are going out whatever the weather is like first thing as it often improves through the morning; Now that the autumn term is here it would be advisable to send gloves, hat and scarf as it gets colder. Forest school will start from Thursday 19th September
Snack Time
We will stop for a Healthy fruit snack and water each morning. Please provide your child with a tub of pre – prepared fruit/vegetables and a water bottle. Please can you ensure that fruit, such as grapes and cherry tomatoes, are cut appropriately into quarters to prevent choking. Please ensure snack tubs are labelled clearly with your child’s name and these can be put into our tub and tray outside the classroom each morning! Please can I also highlight that we are striving to become a “nut free” school, so please remember this when preparing snacks.
Cooking sessions will take place when linked to our focus activities, we kindly ask for a £2.50 contribution towards the cost of ingredients each term. Please can cooking contributions be sent in to school by 27th September.
Things to Remember
Please can you also ensure children have a spare set of clothes in their bags in case of accidents and a coat on colder or wet days. Please ensure these are all clearly labelled.
Health Concerns
Please can you come and see me if your child has any allergies that we should be made aware of or if they have any health concerns. If your child has Asthma, we will need to keep a spare asthma pump in school and an Asthma card will need to be completed. Please can you come and see me to get a form! Diolch!
Finally, if you have any concerns or you would like to know more about the activities, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us at any time. We look forward to an exciting year of learning, laughing and achieving together at Pen y fro Nursery!
Many thanks,
Mrs Katie VerBruggen (Class Teacher)
Mrs Davies (Teaching Assistant)
Miss Dunne ( Teaching Assistant).
Our Nursery Week | |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |