Croeso i Meithrin!
Welcome to Nursery!
Meithrin: Spring Term Letter 2025
Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a very happy Christmas break and are ready for the new term ahead.
We’d like to say a big, warm welcome to our new friends and families that are joining our class this term. We’re excited to get to know you and know you’ll be settled into our Nursery routines very soon.
Our topic this term will be ‘Heroes’. We will be thinking about all the real life heroes in our lives, for example ‘People who Help us’ as well as people closer to home, in our families. Of course, not forgetting our favourite Superheroes! Many activities will be based on stories such as SuperTato, Michael Recycle and My Mum is a Super Mum! We will also be completing activities related to Chinese New Year, St. David’s day and Easter, later in the term. A very busy and exciting term ahead!
We will have an exciting ‘ Heroes’ immersion day on Thursday 30th January. Children are welcome to dress up as their favourite ‘hero’ for the day and will take part in a range of superhero challenges!
We will have a change to our Weekly Nursery routines during the Spring Term;
Book Bags
Please can children now bring in their book bags on a Monday. Children will have the opportunity to choose a story book to bring home to share with you and their family. Book bags will be returned to you on a Tuesday.
Ben & Betty
The children have responded with such excitement to our sound of the week and we were very impressed with all the exciting items the children brought into share so far!
Please remember the children are welcome to bring in their ‘Ben & Betty’ Sound of the week item to share with the class every Monday ( we will send a text if plans change!) when they will have the opportunity to share their items with their friends. We will keep these safe on our special shelf for the children to see. Items will be returned on a Friday! Our sound will be ‘d’ next week (week beginning - 13.1.25).
PE will now be on a Tuesday. This will be used for a range of indoor physical activities, progressing to outdoor as the weather improves towards the end of the term. Please ensure your child comes suitably dressed in trousers or leggings and suitable shoes for them to move freely during these sessions.
Forest School
We will now have our Forest School session on ‘Welly Wednesday!’. Please ensure children are suitably dressed in warm, waterproof clothing. Please ensure all hats and gloves are named!
Amser Snac
Please continue to send in a fresh water bottle and healthy fruit/ vegetable snack each day. It is helpful if children are able to open their water bottles independently and are also able to recognise their own snack containers. Please can we remind you to cut all grapes, tomatoes etc. into quarters for the children to eat safely, we really appreciate all of your help!
Children will be cooking up some tasty treats on special occasions this term as part of their activities e.g. Chinese New Year, St David’s Day and Easter etc. Please can we ask for a contribution of £2.50 towards the cost of ingredients by 27th January. Again, we really appreciate your support in order for these activities to go ahead.
We need your help!
A little reminder for our outdoor area; the children would like to develop a ‘Snowflake Café’ this term. We would still welcome any pots, pans, baking trays, utensils, tea sets to help us resource this area. If anyone also has any ‘winter themed’ decorations then we would love to re – home these to decorate our café!
We have been busy developing the Creative Area in our classroom and always have a home for any junk modelling resources as well as collage materials, so please send in any unwanted materials…. remember your junk is always our treasure!
We are looking for:
- Ribbons
- Buttons
- Sparkly bits
Dressing up
Children have been enjoying our dressing up corner, if you have any dressing up costumes/items that we could re – home then we’d very much appreciate it! Especially any people who help us/ superhero costumes.
Lastly, we are looking to develop our reading area this term, if you have any unwanted children’s magazines/catalogues then we’d love to give them a new home!
We are looking to organise some exciting visitors from our community but if any parents/carers would like to visit Nursery to us to talk about their jobs, linked to our topic, then please contact me to arrange a date! Children always respond enthusiastically to visitors and we’d be keen to hear from any real life heroes!
If you would like to know more about the activities mentioned or have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us at any time. We really appreciate all of your help and support.
Many thanks,
Mrs VerBruggen, Mrs Davies & Miss Dunne
Our Nursery Week
- Water Bottle & Healthy Snack
- Ben & Betty: Sound of the week: Item to share.
- Book Bags in
- Water Bottle & Healthy Snack
- PE
- Book Bags home
- Water Bottle & Healthy Snack
- Welly Wednesday: Forest School: waterproofs, warm clothes and wellie boots
- Water Bottle & Healthy Snack
- Water Bottle & Healthy Snack