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School Logo

Pen Y Fro

Primary School


smileyCroeso i'r Dosbarth Derbyn! 

         Welcome to the Reception Class! smiley

Summer Term 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to the summer term! We hope that this term will bring lots of dry weather for us to enjoy our beautiful grounds. Please remember to send in named sun hats and ensure your child is protected with sun cream before coming to school. Please do not send bottles of sun cream in children’s school bags just in case we have any allergies!

During the first half of this term our topic will be ‘A sailor went to sea’. Through this theme the children will have the opportunity to use their imagination and creativity by engaging in activities such as crafting their own sailboats, singing sea shanties and acting out adventures on the high seas. They'll learn about simple navigation and maps and discover how sailors use tools like compasses and telescopes to find their way across vast oceans. They will also find out about a variety of sea life and the challenges facing our oceans today. We will explore simple ways we can help protect sea creatures and their habitats.

During the second half of the term our topic will be ‘Olympic Games Paris 2024’. This will be a chance to learn about the host city and its culture. We will look at iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and explore French culture through such things as food, music and the language. Through the lens of the Olympics and incorporating our own school sports day, we'll explore the values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and perseverance. We’ll learn about the importance of fair play, encouraging others, and trying our best. We'll also engage in Olympic-themed activities relating to music, storytelling and art, for example, designing their own Olympic torch.

Individual reading will continue to be on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure children bring in their book bags every Monday, they will then be returned to you on a Tuesday. In the bag, there will continue to be a storybook for you to share with your child and a reading book for them to practise reading to you. The reading record is included for you to write a comment after you have shared the books with your child -all comments are very useful. Sounds/words to learn are also included in an envelope in your child’s reading record. We would like to thank you very much for supporting your child at home with this.


We have hall time on a Monday afternoon and Friday morning. This will be used for a range of physical activities including gym, dance, yoga, parachute games, Busy feet and Sticky kids. Reception children change into their PE kits for their sessions; please ensure all items as well as gym bags are clearly named. It is also helpful if children are wearing appropriate clothing that is easy for them to change into/out of. Gym bags will be kept in school and sent home every term.

Cooking sessions will take place when linked to our activities, we kindly ask for a £2.50 contribution towards the cost of ingredients for this term.

Forest school will be held on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed appropriately for this as then we can get outside straight after registration which allows the children to have more time outdoors.

Children will also have access to our ‘Meadow’ outdoor area and be taking part in lots of outdoor activities throughout the term.

Please send in water and a healthy fruit/vegetable snack for the children each day. Please ensure that your child can open and close the lid of their water bottle independently as they will be allowed to access their bottle by themselves throughout the day as well as during snack time. Please continue to halve grapes lengthways to avoid them being a choking hazard.

Finally, just a reminder for children to keep their own toys at home as it can lead to upset if toys are lost, broken or if other children want to play with them.

If you have any concerns or would like to know more about the activities, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us at any time or email the school.


Many thanks,

Mrs Rees (Class Teacher) and all of the staff in Area 1.





Our Reception Week  


  • Healthy Snack & Water 

  • Book Bags: Change reading/story books

  • PE 



  • Healthy Snack & Water  

  • Book Bags: Change reading/story books 


  • Healthy Snack & Water  

  • Forest School: Waterproofs and wellies. Sunhats and sun cream applied before school if required.  


  • Healthy Snack & Water 


  • PE 




Parent video: Why read to your child?

Parent video: 10 things to think about when you read to your child
