Year 1
Croeso i Flwyddyn Un!
Spring Term Class Information
This term our class topic is 'Towers, Turrets and Tiaras'
10th January 2025
Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a lovely Christmas break.
Much of this term’s work will be based on our new topic ‘Towers, Turrets and Tiaras’ as well as work for our St David’s Day Eisteddfod. We will be working collaboratively with Year 2 and 3 as this is a shared topic. We will be finding about at local Welsh castles and others around Wales, learning about their history and heritage. We will be exploring a range of non-fictional and fictional texts to support our work. Please send in any books or items of interest related to the class topic for ‘show and tell’.
In Literacy we will continue to focus will on correct letter sounds and formation as well as the development of independence when recording and punctuating simple sentences. The children will continue to learn phonics through Read Write Inc and will be encouraged to ‘Fred Talk’ to blend and segment.
Please ensure your child has their bookbag and reading record in school Monday-Wednesday for our reading activity carousel, this includes reading with an adult, in pairs, individual as well as Bingo work and multi-sensory sound practice. Please listen to your child read as often as possible and make a weekly comment in the record, these are really helpful. Your child will also be able to select a book of their choice from the school library to share with you at home.
Mathematics will involve further number work and practical problem-solving activities as well as work on length/height, mass/volume. We will also be creating graphs and data handling linked to the RSPB Birdwatch.
Literacy and Numeracy across the curriculum will be developed through Thrive Time and topic related themes. These will include a range of practical approaches and literacy genres.
PE will continue to be held on Wednesday morning and a Thursday afternoon (kit can be left in school). Forest school continue to be first thing on a Friday morning. Please ensure that your child has suitable ‘named’ clothing for these activities, including appropriate footwear.
Please continue to send a fruit or vegetable snack in a named box/bag for your child to eat during the day as well as a named water bottle, these can be refilled as necessary.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,
Ms. de Vall, Mrs Edwards and Ms Macfarlane (Thursday’s class teacher)
Weekly Reminders
| |
Monday | Book bag and Reading Record Fruit/Veg Snack |
Tuesday | Book bag and Reading Record Fruit/Veg Snack |
Wednesday | Book bag and Reading Record Fruit/Veg Snack PE clothing and footwear |
Thursday | Fruit/Veg Snack PE clothing and footwear |
Friday | Fruit/Veg Snack Forest School clothing and wellies |
Year 1 Gallery
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